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Newsletter, November 2023 🦃

I am grateful for each of you, my financial community💙. Thank you for letting me share my passion for financial literacy with you. It is an honor to be part of your financial education journey. If you have found my content helpful, I would really appreciate you sharing my business with those around you.

Gratitude helps us appreciate what we have instead of focusing on what we lack. It shifts our mindset from scarcity to abundance. When we are thankful, we feel happier, less stressed, and more satisfied. 😊 This applies to our financial health as well. I encourage you to start a gratitude journal. Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for each day. They can be simple pleasures – a warm cup of coffee, laugh with a friend, a sunny day. Over time, you may be amazed at how much you have to be grateful. 📝☕️🌞 Don’t forget to include financial wins like the third paycheck, friends that share their food, and working on your financial actionable items. As your financial literacy bestie, I am grateful to empower you on your money management journey. Wishing you a holiday season filled with reasons to be thankful 🦃. Financial literacy is a gift. I am grateful to share my knowledge with you and help you gain confidence in money management.

Financial goals to be gratefully in 2024!

If you want some ideas on potential financial goals, here are my two favorite actionable items I give to every graduate student during one-on-one coaching 

Open a high yield savings account. A great place for an emergency fund 🚨

  • Open a high yield savings account. A great place for an emergency fund 🚨
  • Open a Roth IRA: A great introduction to investing. Any type of income can be contributed 💸 and you low-cost and broad-range index funds available 🙂
  • Start saving for a financial goal for 2024: Traveling, irregular expenses, ✈️
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