Happy Halloween Month! As the season of candy and spooks arrives, I wanted to take a moment to discuss how fear can impact our financial lives. Fear is a natural reaction we all experience, but when it comes to money, fear is often rooted in something more macabre, 💀misinformation💀. We are barraged with myths, exaggerations, and downright lies about finances that can leave us frightened about our futures. Common financial fears fueled by misinformation include:
👻Fear of talking about money 👻
Lots of people do not want to discuss finances openly because we have been conditioned to think money is taboo or that you are bragging about how well you are doing. Be brave, talk money with your homies💸, you might learn/teach a thing or two, and ✨empower those around you✨.
👻Fear of investing👻
This fear is due to major misinformation spread by the finance industry, which benefits economically from our fears. If you are worrying about losing money in the stock market, remember that investing is a long term objective and it has never been easier to access products that are cheap and available for all of us. Remember…👏INVESTING 👏IS 👏THE 👏ONLY 👏WAY 👏TO 👏CREATE 👏GENERATIONAL 👏WEALTH👏
👻Fear of debt 👻
This fear is very common among graduate students. HOWEVER, believing all debt is equal, is anxiety inducing. One of the most common goals from coaching clients is to deal with debt during graduate school. Here is a template to organize your current debts.
While scary, these fears are normal and common! The key is to confront them head-on, just like facing your fears when going to that haunted house as a tween that one Halloween. It is not as bad as we make it to be in our head, if we have the correct network/support. Here are some tips to get you started💪:
👻Get educated, start small, and seek support 👻
Finances with Carolina always prioritizes its clients to make informed and strategic financial goals! We see setbacks as learning experiences, not proof of myths. 🧠 Don’t let fear leave you frightened; let it fuel your financial bravery! You can either start your journey, you can do it the DIY way by using my toolkit📚 or signing up for coaching🗓️

Zuko in his hotdog costume