
Who pays for my services?

My main goal is for financial literacy services to be free of charge to graduate students. Thus, I always encourage Principal Investigators, Program Coordinators, Graduate School Offices, Training Grant/Fellowship Coordinators, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committees, Professional Development Offices and any other staff to hire my services. If you are a student, make sure you email introduce me ( to the appropriate staff and I can take the conversation from there!

Why I love one-on-one coaching?

I really like chatting one on one with people that want to improve their financial health. We go over what you value and your goals. Think about coaching as an accountability time in which you are working out your financial head. Are you interested in trying financial coaching? The first 3 sessions are FREE*!

What to expect from a seminar?

Finances with Carolina LLC can help you to determine the needs of your program/students. A lot of graduate student clients are interested in investing, savings, irregular expenses, taxes, etc. Seminars are delivered virtually. Most clients purchase packages that include a seminar and an a fixed amount of coaching sessions purchased on behalf of the students. Book your seminar here

Why did I write a toolkit?

If you prefer the DIY route, I have written a step by step guide of the main topics I discuss with any coaching client. You can get this condense version of coaching and go at your own pace, for the price of a Chipotle Meal

What if your program does not sponsor my services?

Sometimes your program might not agree to compensate me for my services but if you are interested in starting coaching, please still sign up, you might qualify for reduced pricing. You can also get the toolkit, for the price of a Chipotle Meal